Barbell Row Tips by Homefittools is a great exercise to build back strength. However, if you do it incorrectly, it can cause lower back pain. Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to fix. Just follow these simple tips from Homefittools and you’ll be able to get stronger while protecting your back.
Keep your shoulders in front of the bar when you set up for Barbell Rows. If you set up with your shoulders over the bar it can cause bad balance. It also forces you to move your hips too far back which isn’t good for your knees or your back. The ideal position is to have your torso parallel with the ground, knees slightly bent and the bar at chest height.
Barbell Row Tips by Homefittools: Perfect Your Form
Raise your chest to the ceiling when you setup for a Barbell Row. This is easier on your lower back than rounding your shoulders or arching your back. It is safer too because it prevents you from lifting the barbell too high off the floor which puts more strain on your spinal discs.
If your back rounds during a Barbell Row, try narrowing your grip to force yourself to use the stronger back muscles more. It may be uncomfortable at first but it will help you get stronger without hurting your back.
Don’t look up when you row or your neck will round. This squeezes the spinal discs in your neck and can injure them. Try looking slightly ahead of you to keep your head inline with your torso.