911 Exterminators Pests thrive in places that provide food and shelter. Eliminating one or both of these elements will greatly reduce their numbers in your home. Ripe fruit, crumbs and open garbage are irresistible to many pests; a dirty kitchen attracts mice, flies, ants and cockroaches. Keeping your kitchen clean and storing foods in air-tight containers will reduce these sources of attraction.
What insecticide?
Dark, damp areas provide excellent hiding places for many pests. Trimming tree limbs that overhang your house, securing compost and firewood piles away from the house and cleaning up leaf debris can limit the number of hiding spots for pests.
A well-maintained garden can also be a deterrent to many pests. Pulling weeds regularly, avoiding over-fertilizing and maintaining a healthy soil will keep aphids, grubs, caterpillars and other insects at bay.
The safest and most effective approach to pest control is prevention – not spraying, baits or traps. Prevention is mainly a matter of everyday household hygiene and rule enforcement. For example, leaving out ripe bananas on the counter will attract fruit flies; storing food in sealed, plastic containers will deter rodents; wiping down kitchen benches after meals will eliminate a feast for ants and cockroaches.
Close garage and basement doors when not in use to prevent entry by pests. Check carefully for openings in the foundation and walls where utility lines (telephone, cable, gas, heating) pass through; caulk these holes. When pests do occur, use baits or traps to capture them rather than indiscriminately spraying. Surface sprays, such as fly spray, should be used only in out-of-the-way corners and along skirting boards, and always after wiping down the area to ensure that all pesticide is absorbed.
911 Exterminators
Address: 2477 San Marcos Dr, Forney, TX 75126, United States
Phone: +14693732231