CybrGrade Blog How to Recognize and Overcome Repressed Anger

How to Recognize and Overcome Repressed Anger


People who repress their anger do so because of an underlying belief that anger is wrong or bad. They may also think that expressing their anger will hurt others or that their anger is not appropriate in the situation. Repressed anger can cause significant problems, including stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, digestive issues, high blood pressure, relationship difficulties and depression.

Some people are naturally more repressed in anger to repressing their emotions, and this tendency is compounded by environmental factors such as family, culture, work, religion or school. People who are highly sensitive, for example, often have difficulty regulating their emotions and expressing them healthily. They may transfer their repressed anger to other people in their lives, such as intimate partners or friends.

Unveiling Hidden Emotions: Understanding Repressed Anger

Signs of repressed anger include frequent irritability, mood swings, a tendency to become passive-aggressive or use manipulative tactics, and physical symptoms like headaches and muscle tension. People who are unable to express or confront their anger may also develop feelings of resentment or bitterness, which can damage and strain relationships over time.

There are several strategies that can be used to help individuals identify and reclaim their repressed anger. For instance, mindfulness meditation and yoga can reduce stress and promote relaxation and emotional balance, while art therapy and expressive writing can provide healthy outlets for repressed anger. Ultimately, it is important for individuals to realize that suppressing an emotion does not make it disappear, and they should begin to learn to tolerate anger in small doses.

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