CybrGrade Blog How to Store Lettuce

How to Store Lettuce

How to store lettuce? When properly stored, loose lettuce leaves can be kept crisp for days after purchase — a win for your wallet and the environment. This trick works for both head and loose leaf lettuce, as well as for swiss chard and other greens. Before storing your produce, make sure you wash it (even if it says prewashed on the package), and remove any damaged or wilted leaves. Next, dry your greens thoroughly with paper towels or a salad spinner to avoid excess moisture, which promotes rot and spoilage. It’s also helpful to wrap your produce with a paper towel (or a reusable alternative like beeswax) before placing in the fridge. The extra layer helps to absorb any extra moisture, keeping your leaves crisp longer.

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If you’re using a plastic bag, make sure to properly seal it — leaving too much room can encourage airflow and cause condensation inside the bag, which leads to rotting. You can also store your produce in a food storage container, as long as the lid is not obscuring any of the ventilation holes in the bottom of the container. Line the container with a few paper towels, then add your washed lettuce. The paper towel will help to absorb any excess moisture and keep the lettuce fresh for three to five days in the fridge. Be sure to replace the paper towels if they become saturated with water.

If you’re storing a whole head of lettuce, be sure to place the stems in a separate container from the rest of the leaves to prevent bruising. Also, keep in mind that storing your lettuce near ethylene-producing fruits such as apples and pears can accelerate the ripening process.

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Phone: +14693732231

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