CybrGrade Blog Best Watch For VO2 Max

Best Watch For VO2 Max

Best watch for vo2 max is a measurement of how much oxygen your body consumes during intense exercise. It’s a good indicator of your aerobic fitness levels and it can also help you see if your training is working. You can get a decent estimate of your VO2 max from most running watches, which use wrist-based heart rate and other physiological data. However, there are a few brands that go further and calculate it using chest straps or advanced algorithms.

These days, GPS running watches provide workout stats that runners a couple of decades ago could only dream of. Some of them even dish out VO2 max estimates based on other metrics like vertical oscillation, stride length and ground contact time. However, to accurately measure VO2 max, you’ll need to wear a chest strap, as the optical sensors in most wristwatches tend to be inaccurate.

Breathing Excellence: Discover the Best Watches for Accurate VO2 Max Measurements

The Amazfit Stratos is one of the cheapest options when it comes to trackers that can estimate your VO2 max level. It retails at Rs 12,999 and is a great choice for those who just want to start tracking their activity without spending a fortune. It tracks all the usual stuff like steps, distance travelled and calories burned but can also optimise your performance with advanced VO2 max metrics and training load recommendations.

The Fenix 5 is another multisport GPS watch that can estimate your VO2 max with the help of its advanced heart rate tracking and other physiological sensors. It can also track your sleep, provide automatic fall detection and a number of other features. It’s a top-notch choice for anyone who loves open air pursuits and boasts a robust, durable design.

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